function action (You can understand the parameters by editing the file named create() To create a basic window run() To compile all the widgets button() To show a button imgbutton() To show a button with a image checkbutton To show a check button text To show a text uinput To show a user input widgets makeframe To make the frame list To show a list listinsert To insert an item to the list listcompile To make the list stable menu To show a menu menupart To insert an item to a menu menucompile To make the menu stable menuitemsep To insert a seperator to the menu menuitem To insert a item to a menupart message To show a message radiobutton To show a radiobutton scale To show a scale scrollbar To show a scrollbar newwindow To make a new window spinbox To show a spinbox panedwindow To show a paned window addtopanedw To add an item to the paned window labelframe To show a framed label massagebox To show a messagebox ivmtext To show a text(complex) ITexinsert To insert a text to the ivmtext widget ITexend To add something to the end of an ivmtext ITextagadd To add tag to ivmtext ITextagconfg To make a tag of ivmtext stable webwindows To show a window with a webpage in the internet webgetsource To get source code of a webpage in the internet